Team Zoolander, The Saga Comes to an End
Here we are. From left to right, I'm first, my name is Tom Kruger, then Jack Stites and James Murray, and of course Jack is holding Zoolander. The event was held in the Union Ballroom at the Olpin Union Center nestled right smack in the middle of the University of Utah campus. The competition was part of Mechanical Engineering Design Day which is were the department gets to trot out all the cool projects they have been paying for. All the senior design projects are situated in a gallery adjecent to the ballroom (to the right in the photo above). This year there was everything from a mountain bike for people who have suffered spinal injuries to a powered long board to on and off-road race cars. No kidding. Anyway, enough about them, this epic is about the rise of Zoolander.
If you would direct your attention to the next photo you will see the track itself. Since the design
In order to tackle the step we devised a multi-degree-of-freedom system that we believed would make the competition tremble in their very shorts. The fancy jargon "multi-degree-of-freedom" just means that it can do lots of stuff and look really cool doing it. Unfortunately it also means "very complicated". The credit goes to Jack for being able to put the robot together. Between his ability to build and my ability to create strong descriptive solid models (computer models) we were able to develop the idea. You should read my previous posts for more information on the design process and for an example of a solid model. Its in that post where I talk about Autonomous Solutions' Chaos which is the poster child for this type of system.
In the last paragraph I kind of flew past the point that the robot was too heavy to move the way we wanted it to. We didn't find this out until after six months of design and build. I don't think I've ever felt such intense frustration. I was ready to bag the design and throw together another chassis that we could at least use for line following. Jack, on the other hand, wouldn't hear of abandoning the design. No matter what problem we hit he always thought we could get around it. And we could to. If we had no lives and vast coffers we could make it work. Just look at Chaos. I said it in a previous post, but Chaos is the effort of bankrolled professionals with graduate degrees and years of experience. Zoolander is the best effort of three ME undergrads who were willing to make sacrifices to make a design work on a sparse budget. By sacrifices I mean grades. I can think of at least three assignments that didn't get turned in because we were working on the robot.
All in all, no robots completed the entire course autonomously. It's strange actually, because I saw a team complete the course a week before. The problem is the excess of infrared light. You see, fluorescent lights do not give IR, but sunlight reeks of it. The ambient light levels in the Union Ballroom were off the charts compared to the lab and there just wasn't time to compensate due to the disorganization of the project and competition as a whole.
Disappointment about the competition was expressed by many at the event. While my disappointment in the project as a whole is undeniable, I am pleased with our robot. Now looking back it is obvious that our design was doomed from the beginning. It's the sort of situation where you don't realize what you don't know until you try to do it. We poured everything we had into Zoolander. We gave it all we had and it still didn't work. If it had worked at 80% effort then that's all we would have given it. Instead we tackled design obstacles we never even dreamed about at the project conception. The best way to learn about hot is to get burned, and the best way to appreciate the value of a simple design is to kill yourself making a difficult one. The lessons I have learned about hard designs will serve me more than winning the competition.