This Winter Is Going To Be A Bad One.....
.....Or so I hear.
So over the past couple of weeks I've heard a couple of people say that this winter is going to be a bad one. The reason that I'm writing about this today is for two reasons. The frequency with which this statement has been thrown around lately has piqued my interest and if, in fact, this winter will be a bad one then I would like to take advantage of the Les Schwab fall tire sale right now.
Now, since new tires are riding on this, I need to know if the winter will be bad or not. It's a gamble because I don't have the cash for new tires. If there really is a need then I will pony up (plastic style) for them, but if this winter is like last winter, then there is no need. Of course, if it's like two winters ago, I'll buy them right away.
My current tires are about 45,000 miles old but they're still in fair shape. They are Toyo Open Country H/T tires and According to Les Schwab they should be good for 60,000. They are not fantastic on wet roads, but I am a very conservative driver. I like to keep that following distance nice and wide. But having old tires eats away at my safety margin, so even though I try to compensate with safe driving, my overall safety margin is decreased. I feel them slip more than I would like.
So now that you know what the current situation is, I return to the question at hand. Is this winter going to be bad or not?
If we were to base the coming season on the current season there would be enough evidence to say that we risk a bad winter. This summer was unusually rainy and cold (yes, even for western Washington). But wait, last winter wasn't bad, so using this logic the summer should have been nice. As I said, two winters ago was bad (very bad-I'm talking paid leave from work, people stranded in their homes, etc.), and that was followed by a nice warm summer. I don't think this argument is going to fly.
What about heresay? Are there some old folks that have lived in these parts for decades that can just tell when bad weather is coming? Or is it just nonsense that was born in rumors?
How do I find out if it's worth throwing down a big pile of fake greenbacks right now?