Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Stop #2: Rexburg/Idaho Falls

The first leg of our journey is now complete. This blog post comes to you from Tara and Spencer's house in Rexburg. Yesterday we were sent off in style by my mom. She made breakfast for everybody (that is my brother, some family friends that were staying at thier house for Shaun's wedding, and us) and after that we jumped in the LandCruiser to get going.

This visit to Rexburg is unusual. We have come here many times since we were married to visit the folks that live here, but we always went back to Salt Lake. So at this point it still doesn't feel like we are moving. Sure, I know that all of our stuff is already well on it's way, and that we are proceeding from here to our new home, but since this feels like just another trip to Rexburg, the reality of the situation hasn't yet fully set in.

So while this reality doesn't set it, we are having a great time playing with the kids and spending time around these parts. Today Chelsea and I took Austin and met Ashley and Kinsey at Rigby Lake to play around for a couple of hours. It was nice to hang out in the water. Tonight we'll have dinner, then the day will end and we will be one day closer to Washington.

While we were driving yesterday I got a call from the travel office at the shipyard in Bremerton. They were calling to say that our stuff was ready for delivery. Now, the truck driver already knew we weren't going to be able to get it this soon, but he still has to go through all the bureacratic steps to get our stuff into storage. Also during this call we were able to schedule our drop off for next Monday. That means we'll just have to live the weekend without our stuff. It's no big deal, though, because we brought sleeping bags and an air mattress along with some cleaning supplies and our vacuum. It'll give us some time to really get the place ready to accept our stuff as well as figure out how we want everything. It's an exciting new start.

Since I'm not at my computer I don't have any cool pictures to post here. I promise I'll get some up next time.


At 7:11 AM, Blogger Miriam said...

Good job, Tom!!! Thanks for the update - keep em coming! (Looking forward to those pictures.)

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Tara said...

It was fun having you here. It was a sad moment this morning saying goodbye. But to think positively at least I got to say goodbye and I'll see Chelsea and maybe you in a few months. I'm glad you were able to come to Rexburg for a few days. Good luck with getting everything moved in and organized in the next couple of weeks. I'll be thinking about you.


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