Stuck in the Northwestern Snow
If any of you haven't been watching the weather or haven't been outside for the last week or two, you wouldn't know that this week has seen some pretty remarkable weather in the western United States. Up in our neck of the woods, this has gone down in the books as one of the worst snow storms in Washington in decades. I think that this whole think gas been put on so that Chelsea and I wouldn't feel out of place. The amount of snow that has fallen is nothing we wouldn't deal with in a normal winter in Utah, so I'm sure it's meant to ease our transition to northwestern life.
Being that the weather has been so remarkable, it comes as no surprise that the local infrastructure is woefully unprepared to deal with it. As a result, you end up with a nice 2" ice pack forming on the streets. Add to that the widely varied topography of the region and you end up with some dangerous situations. Not to worry, though, the Landcruiser did exactly what it was designed to do: get where I want to go no matter what is happening with the weather. Praise Landcruiser.
Due to the snow we had two full snow days and two partial snow days. December 21, church was cancelled because of the impassible roads. December 22, the shipyard called a curtailment, and both December 23 and 24 we had a two hour delay in the start of work. It was not the most effective work week. What a mess.
Speaking of the mess, here are some pics:
It was nice to have a white Christmas and some snow days, but I'm excited to go back to just the wet weather that everyone is used to.
You have to admit that snow can be beautiful - but I still don't like it! Wish ours was melting as quickly as yours seems to be....jealous!
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